What you need to know to know in Florida about voter registration:
Make sure to exercise your right to vote. Registration to vote in is easy. Just pick the method that works best for you!
Be eighteen years old (If you are sixteen years old you may pre-register and receive your card in the mail after your 18th birthday.)
Be a U.S. citizen and legal resident of Florida
You are NOT entitled to register to vote if you have been adjudicated mentally incapacitated with regard to voting in this or any other state and you have not had your right to vote restored pursuant to law, or, if you have been convicted of any felony by any court of record and you have not had your right to vote restored pursuant to law.
Where to Register:
If you met the above requirements, you may register or vote in Palm Beach County using either option below.
Online at www.pbcelections.org
In Person/Telephone -You may obtain a voter registration application in person or by telephone by contacting:
The Supervisor of Elections Main office:
240 South Military Trail
West Palm Beach, FL 33415
Office Number – (561) 656-6200
You may also apply at any of these Palm Beach County locations:
Glades Office Building Branch Office
Main Office West Palm Beach
Northeast County Courthouse Branch Office
Southeast PBC Administrative Complex Branch Office
After completing the voter registration application, it can be mailed or delivered to the Supervisor of Elections office. A voter identification card will be mailed approximately 2-3 weeks after the application is processed.
Please be aware of the following information if you decide to register to vote by mail:
As a result of the enactment of the 2002 Help America Vote Act (HAVA) by the United States Congress, Florida law (97.0535, Florida Statutes) now has new requirements for anyone who registers by mail. As of January 1, 2003, if you are a new voter in Palm Beach County, you registered by mail and you have not voted in an election for Federal office in this county you must present a current valid photo identification or a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck or other government documents that shows your name and address. If you wish to vote by mail you must submit, with you ballot, the same documentation stated above.
To be exempt from the above qualifications you must meet the following requirements:
Be 65 years of age or older when you registered
Have a physical disability
Be a member, spouse or dependent of active uniform service or merchant marine absent from the county on election day
Living outside the United States but eligible to vote in Florida
For more information or assistance to www.pbcelections.org
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