Finding the RIGHT Job in Palm Beach


So, you like what Palm Beach County has to offer and you’ve decided to make the big move to the Sunshine State, Good for you! Now it’s time to jump those hurdles and make it happen. Assuming you’re not moving to start your own business, one of the most important hurdles is the question, “Where am I going to work?”

The answer is just a few clicks away.

Most, if not all, of the websites owned by Palm Beach-area businesses and associations, from the local drug store to government to Fortune 500 international conglomerates and beyond, have on them, pages dedicated to profiling available employment positions, along with instructions or applications enabling people to throw their names into the employment hat, so to speak. If you are interested in employment with a specific company, seeing what jobs are available is little more than a quick search through its website, follow the links entitled “jobs” or “employment” and you’re there!

In doing so, keep in mind that there are as many ways to organize a website as there are businesses, so employment pages are easier to find on some business sites than others. If an employment link is not readily obvious, most sites have “search” boxes that online visitors can use to look for specific items or information using keywords, such as, in the case of work, the aforementioned “jobs” or “employment.”

Should one’s employment desires in Palm Beach County be less particular in terms of what company one works for, there are many websites whose main purpose is employment, where businesses can post ads about open positions that prospective employees can search and apply. While each of them is set up differently, most work in much the same way. Jobs are organized into several searchable categories, such as location, professional category (“healthcare, “marketing” or “arts,” to name a few), keyword, income, and frequency of work (part- or full-time, per diem, temporary, etc.). One can opt for a simple search (location, professional category, and/or keyword) or an advanced search, which can be tailored any number of ways to fit the searcher’s needs.

There is a wide degree of variation in the employment submission process, from a simple email with one’s resume attached to extensive online applications that can include competency tests. However, most online employment presences, be it corporate-specific or an employment clearing house, have on them methods by which potential employees can save and edit their initial applications, thereby saving time and effort with future job applications should initial employment requests not pan out.

On the opposite page is a short listing of major employment sites one can explore to find open employment positions in the Palm Beach County area. It is by no means all-inclusive, but rather is meant as a springboard to launch one’s foray into the area job market. A good strategy would be to visit several employment sites during one’s job search to more effectively blanket an area. While some overlap does occur, it’s worth it to wade through jobs that appear on multiple sites to find those unique gems.

Note: Presence of the employment sites in this article does not illustrate an association with or endorsement by ARG Publications, LLC or its subsidiaries.

Job Search Links  – A well-equipped and well-organized national employment site.  – A very comprehensive national employment site, which can be used for city-specific searches.  – Usually associated with buying and selling goods, Craig’s List is often an overlooked source of employment opportunities. It may not be flashy, but it can offer local opportunities not found on other sites.  – A well-organized, comprehensive employment site.  Easy search with only keywords and location needed, and compiles employment opportunities national and in 24 countries.  – The jobs section of Palm Beach County’s predominant news publication, The Palm Beach Post’s job section allows job seekers to search by industry, skill, company, and more.  Powered by  – The site is simple to use and straight to the point using a single-topic search engine.  Available in over 50 countries and 28 languages.  – An easy-to-use site, one need only type in a city and state or zip code to gain access to region-specific jobs. The company behind also organizes and hosts periodic job fairs.

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