Advent School
School Category: Private Schools
-Advent Lutheran School Philosophy-
Advent takes education to a higher level. We are more than a school; we are an educational ministry of Advent Lutheran Church. We are more than administrators, teachers and staff; we are God’s ministers. Our students are God’s children, our parents are our partners, and our school is a Christian community. We do not simply teach by words; we instruct by example. We do not only have classes; we have learning communities growing in wisdom and grace. Our curriculum is not just for the mind and body; it is for the heart and soul as well. Our students not only learn facts but understand the values they will need to succeed. Our students do not only pass tests; they are prepared for the tests of life. Our students do not just graduate, but are sent to love and bless the world.-Advent Lutheran School Mission Statement-
The mission of Advent Lutheran School is to assist parents in helping their children to grow mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially (Luke 2:52) and to encourage each student to follow God and to share the love of Christ with the world (Romans 12:1-2).-Advent Lutheran School Objectives-
God desires us to love him with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves. In order to carry out our school’s mission, to equip our students to obey the Great Commandment, and to train our children in paths that will lead to a blessed future, we seek to guide their hearts, inspire their minds, nurture their souls and shape their lives in all we say and do. -