The 2015 high school graduation rate for Palm Beach County was 79.4 percent, the highest rate among Florida’s largest school districts and above the state average of 77.8 percent. It is the sixth consecutive year the district has seen an increase in the graduation rate. The student-teacher ratio is approximately 14:1, below the national average of 16:1.
Florida is in the process of converting to a new statewide standardized assessment test in public and charter schools, and is expected to complete this transition in the 2016-2017 school year. (See box on Florida Standardized Testing.) Initial results show that Palm Beach County students outperformed the state average in Algebra 1, Algebra 2 and geometry.
Palm Beach County has teamed with the University of Florida Lastinger Center to create a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education program that will serve as a national model. Palm Beach County has also played a key role in the creation of Algebra Nation, a video-based algebra tutorial program which has become a statewide sensation.
Learn about the School District of Palm Beach County (SDPBC)
Source: www.pbcedu.org
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